salcha4u ;D
11 March 2009

I'm almost done reading through my sources. I should be done by Friday or Saturday. Which is good I guess, as the outline is due Monday and the outline Friday.

Intriguing information has been present in the materials I have read thus far.

7:23 PM

02 March 2009

SO. I was looking over my thesis, and decided that it is worded very, very badly.

It should read something to this nature (I'll work on it later):

Does exposure to pornography heightein the risk of children developing sexual violent tendencies...(ie, higher risk of raping someone--> evidence with ted bundy saying it all started with porn etc...)

Yeah...That's as far as I got this weekend.....

8:26 PM

26 February 2009

TODAY! I finished the working bibliography (well, I suppose not finished, as it is a working bibliography). My works cited pages contains an eclectic range of sources.

Over vacation, I did not work much on the note cards, but I did get quite a few written down. I haven't really been writing my exact thoughts down but have simply written the paraphrase with the topic in the left hand corner. As shown below:

Thats pretty much it for now....(=

4:56 PM

12 February 2009

Today was quite useful. I decided to simply compile sources together, whether I might use the information they offer me or not. I checked out two books about censorship and pornography from the school library. I have scanned the first 20 pages of one of the books and have already started making notecards with quotes and such. The information I found was mainly about the 1st Amendment and it's laws about obscenity and pornography.

In the computer lab, I went on infortrack and elibrary and found articles and testimonials that might make my research paper stronger. I did not read every article but simply scanned it for key words (effects, violation, pornography, children...etc). I printed out many, many different articles and I plan to read each one, making a notecard for every tidbit of information that seems pertinent.

I have not yet decided if I will make categories for my notecards while I write out the cards (ie: category 1 is in regards to 1st amendment laws, category 2 is in regards to children vs. porn etc) or if I will accumulate my information into one pile and then sort them out. I am leaning towards the former.

I have written research papers before so I know how important the notecards are and how useful they are.

I need to form my working bibliography....

7:21 PM

10 February 2009

Does exposure to pornography threaten to make children victims of sexual violence? If so, what can we do about it?

Pornography websites need to restrict the location of their internet ads and who can access their sites because children looking at pornography are put at a greater risk of acting out what they see.

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5:35 AM

About Me

The Name is Parisa. I stuff my locker at Norton High School. Born and Raised in California. <3 I blow out the candles on my cake day-Feb. 20. I'm a bumpin' hyphy kidd. Thats it. (=


February 2009 l March 2009 l





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